Hindi,English or is it Hinglish!!!!

Now this ones a bit freaky and will get u scratchin ur head at the head of it and a few puzzled with there language skills.Actually i found it out while i was thru a magazine article which i just happened to read it tat day i mean i dont read it regularly.

Well it goes as follows: This is related to how often we use wrong words even without knowing it.When ever we see people communicaing we often come across such kind of conversations...

Mr. X:- Where is ur Mrs.?
Mr. Y:-My Mrs. is insde makin food.
Mr. X:-Your Mrs. is a wonderful cook.

Now lets look at the other set of conversation.

Mrs. X:-Where is ur Mr.?
Mrs. Y:-My Mr. is insde makin food.
Mrs. X:-Your Mr. is a wonderful cook.

You must have come across the first set of conversation quite often and pretty common in movies too.The second set of conversation includes the word Mr. which seems pretty preposterous to use.We use Mrs. quite often and find it correct to use then why is using Mr. incorrect .Or wheher its correct or not to use Mrs. for indicating or calling someone is a big QUESTION MARK.

I dont know whether using Mrs. is Hindi,english or Hinglish but there is something i think u sud know is tat some of the hindi words are also being added to the OXFORD DICTIONARY'S new edition.


With christmas celebrations all round the corner i decided to wrute smthg on the same although i dont know much about it.Christmas is celeberated all the world and it has the same theme everywhere but the difference and verstility comes into action due to the different customs and traditions.
CHRISTMAS being a bonanza for the children as they get spectacular gifts from the fictious SANTA CLAUS who comes from the north pole on a sledge run by reindeers.

Christmas the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ is celebrated in India with great fervor all over India by the Christians.People decorate their houses, erect Christmas trees, and make cribs with figures of baby Jesus, Mother Mary, Joseph, the three kings who come to visit the baby and shepherd boys and their herds grazing around depicting the scenes of Jesus' Birth in the Bible. They decorate the Christmas tree, hang stars, gifts and illuminate them.

On the Christmas day, people enjoy a sumptuous Christmas lunch. Christmas cakes and wine are served to visitors and exchanged as gifts among friends and relatives.

The festival of Christmas is celebrated for ten continuous days. The end of these Christian festivities is the New year day. The British introduced the Gregorian Calendar and throughout their rule it was the only calendar in use for official purposes. Even after they left and India became independent that calendar is being followed in India for official purposes. The first day of January is the New year day of the Gregorian Calendar.


Now this one's quite a hot topic amongst my peers these days.So a relevant topic on my blog might help me win hearts here in my college and also elsewhere.So there lies a gr8 responsibility on me when i write for them.The input that m gonna put on this blog are the outcome of a few discussions i had wid ma friends and also wat i think about it.So my friends can catch me for writing their views or a collection of everyone's views put in an organized and polished way on mine.But if they really wanted to write something they could have done it before me.I've done it before them so they can just go around and sulk about it....

Anything which brings the slightest of hesitation in you to do it refers to ur fears provided, anything you wanna do is endorsed with a sensible logic. You cant just go on doing all sorts of ludicrous, unintelligent or the most trivial of the lot.All those things which got nothing to do with wat we call the Irrational Exuberance.

Facing fears would not only make you feel comfortable of the situation in the future but also shape your personality and the way of thinking.It would abate yur panic to a considerable extent.And Of course one more classy thing.Oh!!!how can it slip off my mind it brings in you an attitude of the most complacent person you find.Or in other words we can say he's got a HUNK ATTITUDE.Facing fears is not about winning a bet wid a friend but its getting closer and closer to finding yourself as the one doing different things differently.

Recollecting from the discussions we have had i wud like to organise it and call it a 3 Step Process(3 SP) you need to follow to face IT.


Finding your own goals.Obviously now you gonna have to introspect yourself.It would make you aware of all the non-trivial things that takes you aback,gets a shiver in your mind and soul or gets you biting your nails.

Setting goals gets endorses u up to face your fears.But, before you set ur goal to face there should always be a question "WHY" whether you really need to face it or is it significant or not. If the answer is rationale and your instinct makes a cal for it, then you have to set a goal to face it.Setting a goal in the beginning wud require you to get some motivation in you to do it.

Third: ROLES

This step involves the roles you will play i.e. face your fears. Wat i feel about it is just go and face your fears.You dont have to wait for something to happen but you have to make things happen.If you keep on waiting you start vacillating about it and the net outcome wud be procrastinating your goals.So, its better you face it as quickly as possible.

This is my take on facin fears and my views over it.Although m not able to practice the 3 SP myself to the extent i wished to.But sometimes when i end up doing it i feel more than satisfied and there is no one stopping me when i do that thing again which was so called "MY FEAR".


This is the first tym tat m gonna write sonmething on a social issue.Well, on second thoughts it may be a general awareness actually.Oh!gosh i miss out writing smthg on a social issue yet agn.Grrr...

This blog is about knowing the real essence of something i.e. DIWALI.This tym i was hom as usual to celeberate the festival.The day came an in te evening i was ambulating in my sector to take a view of how the houses were decorated.The spectacular lighting all around u.But the fun was all lost when i started coughing due to the foul smell and smoke that was ubiquitous.We had to go in our car then to see the spectacular lighting.The real essence of the festival is lost somewhere as it is a festival of lights.It gives a feeling of togetherness with ur loved ones sharing gifts and sweets to express ur love and affection for them.

However, people now find it more enjoyable to burn crackers.I dont believe in burning crackers and havin fun as it is a loss of money,resources,energy and what n what not.It adds to air and noise pollution and also litters around ur surroundings.Although this tym the crackers were a little less but hat shows our concern on the issue on a lower side.As the ppl who are educated also do not understand the consequences of the action.Cracker industires involve child labour which is a crime and ppl are helping it boom by buying them.The govt. has been quite slack in taking the reqd. measures but they r not the only one to be blamed it is we who r at fault.

THE RICH AND THE FAMOUS spend money on crackers ostentatiously like water from a tap as it is status symbol for them to spend lavishly.Then starts the crackers bursting competition in the night to see whose anaar is better and burns for a longer tym.One burns the multi-coloured sparkling one then the other burst the one with twinkling golden and silver stars.The one who wins has a big grin on his face and a large cloud of smoke spraeds its arms in the air to engulf their own houses and spoil their health.Why dont these ppl spend some money on charityif they hav so much to give it away.

Their are many places especially in the metros where u are not favoured to build a temple near ur locality but other leisure giving places like cafes,discos etc are given instant permission.They believe that wud give tym to party and release tensions and frustrations.But i believe what is most important in life is the peace of mind and heart which can be attained inplaces where there is some silence and everythings in harmony.And there is something they must know is that going to temple and meditating for sometym is the best leisure and the best way to release ur tensions and frustrations.

So i believe that DIWALI can be best celebrated by lighting ur homes and welcoming goddess Lakshmi and also show ur concern, care for ur near and dear ones.

Be A Fanatic!!!!!!

I have always believed that you should do any work with your heart and full enthusiasm put in it.Or let me put it this way that if your inner voice tells you do it "JUST GO FOR IT WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT".Just listen to whatever your heart says as it would compel you to put in it all your energy,experience and you will be ready to go thru hell for it.This will not only lead to finishing the work successfully but also give you self-satisfaction.Which inturn will give you confidence and also encouragement to do something in the future that is even bigger and tougher than before.

On the other hand if any work is done without heart may lead to a zero result.But keep in mind anything done wih heart would always give you a positive result.Also remeber that if you do something with half of your heart would lead to a zero result and not half result.So it is better you do something in life which is small and if of your interest rather than something big which does not attract you or excite you to do it.

Whenever you listen to your instinct it is bound to be correct for you as an instinct is a mixture of all the experiences you hav had in the past.Also listening to ur inner voice does not leave you regretting about not listening to urself before.You have to suffer not getting a positive result when you dont listen to ur heart ,it is better you suffer after listening to ur inner voice/hear/instinct 'Coz atleast you wont feel helpless or would not regret your decision.
But remember once you hav taken the path there may be numerous no. of problems.There may be obstacles which you may not hav even heard,the path may be full of millions and millions of thorns but you should never move back.Even if you fail keep trying hard for it coz:-
So just keep trying for it and then you"ll find that you will be the one who's satnding in the end as a winner and self satisfied as well.

Theory Vs Practicality

Practicality refers to put theory into action.A theory or plan remains a theory on paper until the plan is put to execution in the area or feild of operation.Practicality helps to know the various applications and constraints that were not taken in consideration earlier and rectify them i.e. it helps us knowing the run time errors involved in the process.

Also there being an old saying as well -"IT IS AS EASY AS SAID DONE".

Quoting this statement refers to the fact that a theoritical fact may be quite marvelous but we wanna know whether it is feasible or not or is it possible in a particular situation or not.Using practicality we get about the theory and also a proof to the above.As every theory is backed up with a practical example except for the ones given by Einstein which are however being put to practical applications now.

Practicality in other words helps to get real and get out the world of dreaming and thinkin.


*Diary Entry*

"Dear Diary" these r the first words written at every page of a diary entry.People write a diary to keep a track of the important events everyday and also expressing your feelings attatched with it.Some ppl are of the opinion that its written so that they can sometime just read it and remember the good old days.They get a feeling of nostalgia remembering the childhood days which they never wanted to end.It may helps them to retrospect and also make them laugh or cry.

Apart from these common facts i am of the opinion that it may be done by people to get Vicarious feelings.People who dont get the needed attention or are not able to lavish their feelings on anyone generally like to share their feelings with their diaries.This makes them get the feeling that they are able to share their feelings with someone real and helps them get it out of them else those things would just keep swimming in their heads.However this kinds feeling can also be attained by reading romantic books or movies but writing a diary entry seems more convenient as you can do it any time u want.The diary remains quite personal so attempting a clasdestine would not be good for your health. :)

Introspection a must

Well, this is my fist blog and infact my first attempt to pen down my views and thoughts.Now in this blog i shall tell how i introspected myself infact diachotomised my heart to let you know a few things.This came to my mind when i gave a thought to the thing i desire to be the most is to bieng a good Orator, not by profession but to spread my views among the people.So tat when i speak everybody listens to me scrupolously.Although m pretty laconic by nature and may be introvert too but not taciturn at all.So may be if i dont have the courage to speak much i might jst write in here and who knows i might end up writin a book someday.

My take on this is tat there may be many others who are laconic and the view of ppl about them is of a roudy person.But, the fact is they are not speakin 'coz may be they are shy or may they fear of revealing something which might be welcomed with a laughter or joke on them. Conclusion is ofcourse not to encourage wrong views but not to put down their views or shun them straight away.But we should discuss thier views and also encourage them to interact.